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Baby Bellies Drop-in Group


Promoting gross motor and feeding development for babies with tummy issues


Co-led by Lauren Zemaitis, feeding therapist, and Shelby Withiam, physical therapist.


Maximum of 4 dyads (caregiver & baby, 6 months & under) per class.


This class will discuss the implications of reflux and other GI-related issues on gross motor skill development. Therapists will provide support for age-appropriate positioning, mobility, and feeding skill development.

This group is great for young infants:
struggling with tummy time
struggling with reflux and/or possible allergies
prior to and after tongue/lip tie revisions
with head turning preferences or Torticollis
working towards rolling (between 4-6 months)

with breast- and/or bottle-feeding difficulties
born full-term or prematurely

This group is not to replace individual therapy if needed, but can be a complement to or transition to or from additional support. Come as needed and receive the professional support you and your baby deserve!





Mother and Baby on Floor
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